Cleansing Crystals (1)

How to Cleanse Crystals

Cleansing crystals is an essential part of owning and using crystals. Crystals come in various shapes and sizes, and each crystal vibrates at a unique frequency. When crystals are cleansed, they become charged with positive energy, meaning that they can provide benefits such as improved mood, increased focus, better sleep, and enhanced intuition. When should…

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Cleansing crystals is an essential part of owning and using crystals. Crystals come in various shapes and sizes, and each crystal vibrates at a unique frequency. When crystals are cleansed, they become charged with positive energy, meaning that they can provide benefits such as improved mood, increased focus, better sleep, and enhanced intuition. When should…

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How to Use Crystals for Chakra Healing

The practice of using crystals to heal various ailments has been used for thousands of years. While not a crystal, the earliest known origin of this type of practice traces back to ancient times in Russia, using beads made from mammoth ivory over 60,000 years ago. It’s believed that crystal healing dates back even further,…

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