Cleansing Crystals (1)

How to Cleanse Crystals

Cleansing crystals is an essential part of owning and using crystals. Crystals come in various shapes and sizes, and each crystal vibrates at a unique frequency. When crystals are cleansed, they become charged with positive energy, meaning that they can provide benefits such as improved mood, increased focus, better sleep, and enhanced intuition. When should…

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Cleansing crystals is an essential part of owning and using crystals. Crystals come in various shapes and sizes, and each crystal vibrates at a unique frequency. When crystals are cleansed, they become charged with positive energy, meaning that they can provide benefits such as improved mood, increased focus, better sleep, and enhanced intuition. When should…

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Superhero Crystal Powers & Uses

Beautiful Souls, Many people come into SoulTopia and want either “high ascension” crystals or “synergy crystals.” Here are a FEW of my thoughts on the subject. These thoughts are in no way meant to be all-inclusive on the subject: -What might serve as a high ascension crystal to one person, might totally ground someone else.…

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How Often Should You Get a Tarot Reading?

Tarot readings provide great insight into your life and motivations, but how often should you get them? Having Tarot readings too infrequently makes it hard to apply their insights to your life, but having them too often will not allow you to absorb what has been revealed to you properly. Here are some tips for…

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A bowl of healing crystals and incense from SoulTopia on a meditation mandala blanket

Where To Buy Crystals

Healing crystals are symbols of transcendence and purity. This symbolism is partly because they come from a special and mysterious place. These precious stones allow light to pass through them and preserve cold. They are instrumental in helping heal our spiritual problems while promoting our mental and emotional wellness. However, they can be pretty rare.…

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The silhouette of a woman with a sunny sky background representing her mind being expanded by SoulTopia

What is Spiritual Energy Work & Healing?

For those who have had para- (altered) normal experiences, it seems like our entire life experience is an expertly and lovingly directed film, right down to the smallest detail. Para- (altered) normal experiences broaden one’s view to see patterns that take on a life of their own, leading one to question the super-sentient force that…

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