The silhouette of a woman with a sunny sky background representing her mind being expanded by SoulTopia

What is Spiritual Energy Work & Healing?

For those who have had para- (altered) normal experiences, it seems like our entire life experience is an expertly and lovingly directed film, right down to the smallest detail. Para- (altered) normal experiences broaden one’s view to see patterns that take on a life of their own, leading one to question the super-sentient force that…

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Two aura photos taken at SoulTopia lay on a matt as a reader interprets them

The Origins of Aura Photography & How to Read Aura Photos

Your aura is the powerful electromagnetic energy that surrounds your body, completely unique to you and representative of your distinct radiant energy. It is almost like a vibrant and colorful glow projected outwards from your physical self but completely invisible to the eye – or is it? The practice of aura photography, or aura portraits,…

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A customer at SoulTopia holds a moldavite crystal they just purchased in the sunlight

Moldavite Warnings: Should You be Worried?

For thousands of years, moldavite has been one of the most revered healing crystals. As an incredibly powerful and intense source of spiritual energy, moldavite can serve as a catalyst for life-changing experiences. There are many stories of individuals who have achieved major spiritual goals with moldavite – however, there are also a few accounts…

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A customer at SoulTopia holds an impactite crystal they just purchased

Impactite Crystals and Their Healing Properties

  The transformative healing powers of crystals can open up an astounding realm of possibilities, particularly for individuals in the pursuit of spiritual wellness. And although there are a handful of very well-known crystals for healing, many others are less prevalent but equally impactful. Moldavite is a mysterious, otherworldly material that has garnered widespread attention…

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